Monday, August 20, 2007

Long Time, No See

Welcome...I am sorry that it has been a long time since I have posted anything. I was so busy with school work, and it seemed like no one was reading my blogs. It's 4:45 in the morning, and realized that if people don't read my blog, it doesn't matter. These blogs are for me to reflect on life. I would love to see more people come and visit, but if they don't it's okay. Anyway, a lot has been happening since my last blog, and since this is a counseling blog site, I will talk about psychology stuff. This summer I got a dog. His name is Jeri (short for Jericho), and he is a wonderful black lab mix. He thinks he is a lap dog, and doesn't realize how big he is. Sometimes he sits (with his butt) on my lap. It's so cute. Dogs are a great pet to get. I have heard once that if you want to become a parent, the best thing to do is get a dog first. Getting a dog first helps you learn to become a better parent. It helps you learn how to become a parent. I have to honestly agree with that. I don't treat Jeri as a dog (for example, leaving him outside to sleep). I treat Jeri as my child. He is a family member. My husband is daddy, and I am mommy to him. It's been great having him, and I have learned a lot on how to parent. I still have a lot more to learn however. Anyway, there you go. I have posted something that deals with psychology, and I will be posting again, so please come back again.

Dogs (or cats) are a great way to learn to become a parent, and a good one at that.


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